
Showing posts from March, 2017

SleepLESS Beauty

The reality of motherhood. If my daughter was a deep sleeper like Aurora, I would be the most well-rested mom on earth. Unfortunately, Rei is the antithesis of deep sleep. Recently, she has decided to start her day at 5am. I try different ways to extend her sleep, but she has definitely made up her mind to wake up just before the sun rises. Oh well... It's the start of another day. The moment Gian comes home from work, we start our morning routine. I prepare breakfast, he plays with Rei. She naps, we eat. He bathes her, I do the dishes. I feed her, he does the laundry. And the list goes on. The goal is to finish all our chores before Gian goes to bed and before I have to start work. I look at the clock and it's already 11am. As I stare at the messy floor and the clothes that need to be folded, I wonder how other moms do it. I ponder long and hard, then I realize my biggest mistake... I've been waking up each day thinking that everything will go according