
Showing posts from June, 2017

Who's 30?

Society has created very unrealistic views about turning 30. It's perceived as the "prime" of one's life (although there's a lot of debate about this) and people somehow expect that you have accomplished a majority of the things on your bucket list at this age or that you have gained a certain level of success that was lacking in your 20s. Well, I just turned 30 and I feel exactly the same as I did yesterday. There was no "magical transformation" when the clock struck 12. And though I would have loved a dramatic makeover overnight, I didn't expect one to happen because I learned that age does not change a person, experience does. Question: Am I living the life I expected at 30? Hahaha! Not even close. At 30... I am 10kgs heavier than my ideal weight. I am nowhere near starting a Master's Degree. I don't get to travel as often as I would want to. I have not used my teaching license. I am still not successful in sleep training my daughter.