Who's 30?

Society has created very unrealistic views about turning 30. It's perceived as the "prime" of one's life (although there's a lot of debate about this) and people somehow expect that you have accomplished a majority of the things on your bucket list at this age or that you have gained a certain level of success that was lacking in your 20s.

Well, I just turned 30 and I feel exactly the same as I did yesterday. There was no "magical transformation" when the clock struck 12. And though I would have loved a dramatic makeover overnight, I didn't expect one to happen because I learned that age does not change a person, experience does.

Question: Am I living the life I expected at 30?

Hahaha! Not even close.

At 30...
I am 10kgs heavier than my ideal weight.
I am nowhere near starting a Master's Degree.
I don't get to travel as often as I would want to.
I have not used my teaching license.
I am still not successful in sleep training my daughter.
... and my list goes on.

Truth is, my life is not exactly as I imagined it to be. At 30, there's so many things I have not yet accomplished and I have not even started checking off my bucket list. BUT even though I did not entirely accomplish what I expected at my "prime," I am the happiest I've ever been.

At 30...
I have a great husband who adores me even if I'm 10kgs heavier than when we got married.
I am learning to be the best mother and it's more rewarding than a Master's Degree.
Though I have not traveled the world, I get to visit my family as often as I like.
I do not teach professionally, but I get to teach Sunday School class at church.
I may not be successful in sleep training my daughter, but I have mastered changing her diapers and giving her a bath. Hahaha.

My point is that my life is so much better than what I expected at 30. There may be a lot of disappointments along the way, but I love love love (did I stress that enough?) everything about it. Life is good!

So yeah, turning 30 TODAY is not really a big deal. I do not feel differently than I did yesterday. I think because I've learned, and still learning, that you don't wait until your 30th birthday (or any birthday) to appreciate the changes in your life that turn it for the better.


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