
Showing posts from August, 2017

How My Daughter Changed My Marriage

I feel like I've put my husband on the sidelines ever since Rei was born, and it makes me feel guilty. I don't want him to ever feel like he has to compete with my daughter for my attention. But try as I might, I can't prevent it from happening. If there is anything I am guilty of, it would be my unrealistic notion of what my married life should be after having a baby. I have this idea that I should be able to do all my chores, care for Rei, finish my online job, and still look fresh and beautiful at the end of the day for my husband. We'll go on dates every weekend, hold hands at church, cuddle in bed, have long talks over dinner... (you get the picture). Well, that is not my reality. Gian comes home from work and I'm often still in bed, tired from nursing a crying baby all night. With no time to shower, I prepare breakfast, clean up, feed Rei and then its time for her nap. The kitchen sink is full of dirty dishes, clothes need to be folded, and I still h