
Showing posts from March, 2014

Hong Kong

The main reason why I traveled to Hong Kong was to visit the LDS temple. Living in Thailand, the closest temples are in Hong Kong and the Philippines. After comparing prices, I decided to go to HK because it was a lot cheaper. There was also a seat sale so it all worked out. Aside from that, it was an opportunity to visit a new place which I could not resist. And since I didn't want to travel by myself, I convinced Rommel to go on this trip together. I am glad that he agreed. So, off we went... Filipinos do not need a visa to enter HK. Upon arrival, I was issued a 14-days permit by the immigration. It was very convenient because no extra documents were asked to get a visitor's permit. The Hong Kong Temple has a Patron House for members visiting from other countries. The easiest way to get there from the airport is to take the E22 bus. It costs 18HKD. Hong Kong's public transportation is very reliable and it's the best way to go around the city. The bus pass

Why California?

It's been exactly three years since I returned home from serving a full-time mission. It feels like it was just yesterday. I still remember the families I've visited and the streets I've tracted. I miss every minute of it. I miss the people, the food, and testifying about the gospel of Jesus Christ to every person I talk to. I was in Brigham Young University-Hawaii when I decided to serve a full-time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was not an easy decision. I talked to my bishop about it several times, discussed it with my parents, and prayed earnestly about my choice. I was scared to leave my life behind to serve a mission, but I knew in my heart that it was time for me to serve the Lord. So, I did what I had to do. I took a leap of faith and turned in my mission papers. When people find out you have submitted your missionary application, it's common for them to ask where you want to serve. The correct answer to that is: "I'