
Showing posts from September, 2015

Dating 102: Diskarte Mode

In my post Dating 101: You Will Survive , I shared some of the things I learned on how to gain happiness from within. That, for me, is the first step to surviving the dating scene. However, it doesn't mean that after you have gained inner happiness you can just give up on dating altogether. Woe unto you who do not try, for you will be judged according to your works! Hahaha! Dating is a battle field. It is important to be wise and strategic. Especially for us women. We need to provide opportunities for men to notice us. I think that is what people mean when they say that you have to make yourself available. How exactly do you do that? The following list may give you some idea. Avoid FLOCKS. Before I went to BYUH, my sister-in-law specifically advised me to avoid being surrounded with friends all the time. So true! Just imagine... How can a guy possibly ask you out if you always have an army of girlfriends with you? You need some alone time once in a while. Go to the li

Dating 101: You Will Survive!

Some are just more fortunate in the dating scene than others. Well, good for them. Hahaha! But for a lot of people, dating is a battle field. We get hurt, we shed buckets of tears and we often wonder if we'll ever have our own happily ever after. To those who have asked the question, "when will it be my turn?", I testify that there is hope! The waiting may be long and challenging, but you shouldn't feel helpless. Besides, the best things in life are never rushed. Allow me to share with you five things I learned on how to survive the "waiting" period and truly enjoy being single. 1. All you need is LOVE. And who said that it should come from someone else? That love must come from within. This may be hard to believe for people who know me, but I grew up a very insecure kid and it was hard. I felt ugly and I was not comfortable in my own skin. I struggled and it was affecting my relationship with other people. So how did I get through it? I decided to in