Dating 201: Receiving an Answer

How did you know that he's the one you want to marry?

I've asked my friends and even my sister this question many times before and their answers were all the same: "you just know." When I was a non-dating single sister, that answer was not helpful or even clear! I mean, the very reason I was asking is because I had no idea, so how will I "just know?" Right? (-.-)

Now that I'm getting married, I've had a few friends ask me this question and it makes me laugh because my answer is the same. You just know. Some describe it as an intuition, a gut feeling. But for the interest of blogging and helping out my dear sisters out there, let me break it down into simpler details.

Disclaimer: Each individual is different and we all receive inspiration in different ways. Trust your ability to receive an answer and you'll be fine.

The answer came a little bit at a time. It started with an interest, followed by an intent to see him again, which led to a lot of dates, hundreds of text messages, hours on the phone, holding hands, a yes to a proposal, and then tada! Here we are, planning a wedding. The point is, at each of those moments, there was a desire to take the relationship to the next level. The closest comparison I could think of is the process of how I gained a personal testimony of the Book of Mormon. I didn't gain a testimony all at once. It happened gradually as I read, pondered, and prayed about the things I was learning. The same with receiving an answer about getting married. It was a gradual experience which started with a shared interest that developed into attraction which eventually blossomed into love. (char!)

After we got engaged, there were moments when I asked myself, "Is he really the one I want to marry? Am I really sure about this?" I asked these questions not because of doubt, but because I wanted to have concrete answers as to WHY I want to marry him. I didn't want to just rely on my feelings. I wanted my decision to be a union of the heart and mind. It's given that decisions are often influenced by emotions, but to solely make a decision based on how one feels would also be foolish.

When I received the answer I was seeking, I stuck with that decision. No turning back. President Thomas S. Monson taught, "Choose your love; love your choice." This is important to remember because disagreements happen and they are not easy. When I get upset or hurt, I always remind myself of the time I received a confirmation of my decision and it strengthens me. I know that whatever disagreement we have does not change the answer I received from the Lord.

A confirmation can come in different ways, but one thing is for sure: You will receive an answer. Don't stress out, good things come to those who wait.


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