Perks of Being Married

You've probably heard a lot of couples say how it such a blessing to be married and how life is just better when you're with the person you love and all that stuff. Well, it's true. There have been many researches that have gone into great lengths to discuss the benefits of being married. But I'm not gonna go into the details of those studies. I just want to share a few of the favorite things I've enjoyed in the eight months that I've been married.

I've learned to eat grass.
Gian is Ilocano and he's used to eating different kinds of greens like Saluyot (jute), Ampalaya leaves, Alukon, Horseradish fruit, Parda, etc. Unfortunately, I didn't grow up with those kind of vegetables. I've never even heard of Alukon until I got married. Also, growing up in Davao, I always thought of Saluyot as grass. LOL. It's not that I'm a picky eater, it was just never served/cooked in my house. So when my husband asked me to cook Inabraw, I knew my life was about to change forever; And it was a good change! I've always liked vegetables anyway, so it was a great experience for me trying a different dish. After several attempts, I have now mastered cooking Inabraw and we have it almost every week. I still haven't tried Alukon though.

There's always someone to sit with at Church.
One of the things I dreaded when I was single was going to Church alone. The worst is when I'm in a new ward. Although I'm quite a social person, I've always had a hard time introducing myself first. So I usually just sit in a corner and smile awkwardly as people pass by. But now that I'm married, I no longer have to worry about going to church alone. I now have someone to sit with as we smile awkwardly together.

I've cut my grocery shopping time in half.
Even with a list in hand, I could spend hours in the grocery roaming shelf after shelf looking at different varieties of products that I have no intention of buying. I usually get stuck in the biscuits/cookie section as I debate with myself whether I really want to buy the big pack of chocolate chip cookies or settle on a small one. This kind of grocery dilemma was finally put to rest when I got married. Whenever we need to buy stuff, Gian always asks me to stick to the list. The objective is to get out of the store as fast as we can. It sometimes feels like being on the Amazing Race, but I am grateful because I no longer have time to buy stuff that I don't really need. Saves me time and money.

I get the gift I want.
I think my husband feels bad that I'm alone whenever he goes to work, and he compensates for it by bringing me goodies when he comes back. It's usually native delicacies from the market he passes by on his way home and my favorite is when he brings me Karioka/Carioka. Flowers are not a thing in our relationship. One time he bought me flowers when we started dating and although I really liked it, I told him that I prefer food as gifts. He learned from that very moment that we are very much alike, the way to my heart is through my stomach.

I have a reason to decline invitations.
I love going out with friends and attending social gatherings, but I admit that there are times when it's so much better to just stay home and be lazy. Declining invitations can be tough though because you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings and lying is just out of the question. Having a husband is the perfect alibi. Saying no to an invitation has never been easier. Example,"Sorry I can't make it, my husband has a class and I need to help him get ready." or "Sorry I can't be there, I need to be at home before my husband goes to work." I think you get the idea.

I will never be able to list all the things I love about being married, there's just too many. And the great thing is that as time passes, there's more to learn each day and there's more reasons to be grateful for. My only hope is that I will always remember those reasons even when times get tough.


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