Things that Drive My "Mom Brain" Crazy

Before I share some of my deepest darkest secrets as a mom, let me just point out that I LOVE my daughter to pieces and I'll do everything for her. However, I am human and there are times (a lot actually) when my patience wears thin and I find myself borderline insane. I know it's expected as a mom, but it's quite amazing how in a matter of minutes my daughter can melt my heart with a simple hug and then conjure the Hulk inside of me when she does something irritating. It's a roller coaster ride EVERY SINGLE DAY, but it's a ride I've come to love... and endure.

So, let's get on with my list...

The diaper surprise
As a mom, schedule/routine is everything. It helps keep everything in order, including my sanity. One such routine is changing diapers. I usually change her diaper about 3-4 times a day: in the morning, after her nap, after she p**ps, and then before she goes to bed. It's our routine and it's easy for me. I also usually only change Rei's dirty diaper after asking her if she's done p**ping so that we're not wasting new ones and I don't have to clean her over and over again. So imagine my irritation when not even 15 minutes after cleaning her up, she p**ps AGAIN. And that's after she told me that it's time to wash. Why couldn't she just do it all at once? Why???

The spitting game
Rei is generally very good at meal times. She's a bit picky, but she can already communicate what she likes and doesn't like so we rarely have any argument when it comes to food. What really gets on my nerves is when after she asks for another bite... she looks at me and then spits it out. It's definitely intentional! I stay calm and tell her it's not good to waste food but my insides are like boiling lava and all I want to do is scream. Arrrggg! Super Saiyan-mode on!

See who can last the longest
At two years old, Rei is down to one nap a day. If she wakes up fairly early in the morning, then I know she'll be ready to take her nap around 11 am. The general rule is that she takes her nap after five hours of wake time. But then we have those times when she plays this game of "who can last the longest" and really fights nap time like it's the apocalypse. I know she's tired because she's rubbing her eyes, she's yawning every minute, and she's cranky, but she has somehow convinced herself that she's fine and insists on staying downstairs to play. One time I was really annoyed so I told her that I'm going to our room and she can stay downstairs if she wants to. I secretly sat by the stairs observing her and she was just standing by the couch looking outside like she got all the time in the world. I was so irritated at how stubborn she can be and then I had to remind myself whose daughter she is... tsk tsk tsk. It's one of those times when they say that you've gotten a taste of your own medicine.

"No Papa, Mama lang."
They say breastfeeding can make your child very clingy, but Rei has definitely redefined clingy to another level. She only sees ME. Sometimes my husband and I would joke how Rei's top three must haves are: Mama, her blankey, and then her teddy. Papa doesn't even make the cut. Hahaha! But honestly, it can reach annoying level. Imagine this, I am busy cooking while Rei and her Papa are playing or doing something on the couch. The iPad stops and she calls out for me to change the video. I tell her to ask her Papa to do it because I'm busy. She automatically replies, "No Papa, Mama lang." Her father is literally a foot away from her and I'm at the other side of the room, but she wants ME to do it. Where's the justice in that?

All-you-can-"dede" buffet
As I mentioned earlier, I'm a breastfeeding mom and I'm at the point where I really want to wean her. She's two and she's old enough to drink milk from a glass. But here we are, still breastfeeding because I do not have the heart to say no when she's screaming bloody murder in the middle of the night. The worst part is when she's asking for milk for the nth time and I'm pretty sure there's no more left to give. I really need to find the strength and courage to wean her coz' this Mama haven't had uninterrupted sleep since she was born.

Rei when she was 7 months old.
I hope I did not terrorize any expectant moms out there with my stories. This blog was not meant to do that... or was it? (evil laugh) But kidding aside, I'm sure my experiences are not uncommon. There are indeed moments when your sweet little angel acts like the most annoying toddler in the world, but you love them nonetheless because being a mom means accepting the bad times as much as the good ones.

And it's not like you have a choice anyway. Hahaha! Have fun Mamas!


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