Project ME: Nutrition

Changing my eating habits was probably the hardest aspect of my weight loss journey. I love to eat, and I especially love snacking. It would have been okay if I snacked on healthy foods, but I loved my carbs and sweets. My ultimate weakness was bread. I would have a piece of pandesal here and there, and by the end of the day I had eaten more than my needed daily calorie intake. I was not in control of my eating habits and I needed to change that if I wanted to lose the extra weight.

Discover what works for you.
I researched and even thought of trying some of the more famous diets online. There's the keto diet, paleo diet, vegan, raw food diet, etc. They have very promising effects, but there's only one problem: they are not sustainable for me. My lifestyle and my food preference just doesn't match any of these diets. I knew that if I ever decide to change my eating habits for the better, it should be something I can do for the rest of my life. Being vegan for a week or even a month will not have any lasting effects on my weight loss journey.

One of my favorite Thai dishes. 

After trying different approaches with food and really looking into changes I can incorporate into my life, I have learned 3 things that work well for me.

1. Moderation, not restriction
Instead of creating a list of what I can and cannot eat, I focused on learning to eat in moderation. I don't like restrictive diets because they make me feel sad. It breaks my heart thinking that I could never eat my favorite pandesal or those churros dipped in chocolate at the nearby buffet we visit. Eating is meant to be a pleasurable experience and restrictions just takes the joy away from food.

Moderation means teaching myself to be content with single servings. That way I still get to enjoy the food that I really like without sabotaging my weight loss goals. If, for example, I have a craving for ice cream, I'll have a single scoop... not the entire tub.

In a perfect world, I would never overeat. But, that's not the world I live in. I enjoy all-you-can-eat buffets and I indulge myself. I eat, and eat, and eat until it's no longer possible to eat any more. I often feel bloated after having such meals, so I make sure I take dōTERRA Terrazyme to aid with digestion. It's a lifesaver.

I take 1-2 capsules to help with my digestion.

2. Home-cooked instead of instant meals
It's so tempting to just buy ready to eat foods like canned corned beef, instant noodles, fast food, etc. They save time and requires little to no effort on my part. However, they are not the best option for long-term weight loss goals. It does not mean I never eat "instant" meals, I just stay away from them as much as I can. I still have my supply of instant ramen and canned goods in my cupboard, but I've come to see them as emergency meals, not staple food items.

Cooking our food is easier when I have a meal plan. Knowing what to cook for each specific meal during the week means we don't just eat whatever we find in our cupboard. It takes time and a little bit of mental work, but it's definitely better than living off of our 72-hour kit.

3. Distinguishing hunger from craving
Hunger is our body's way of telling us we need to eat. It is key to our survival and well-being. That being said, there is a difference between hunger and craving. Hunger means we NEED to eat something, while craving usually means we WANT to eat something. Knowing which one I'm feeling helps me make better food choices.

Don't get me wrong, having a craving is normal. However, I have learned that I don't need to satisfy every single craving I have. Whenever I do find myself wanting to eat something sweet or savory, I usually ask myself, "will it really ruin my day if I don't have some right now?" Usually, the answer is no.

A simple piece of advice.
My eating habits are far from perfect. I still over indulge from time to time, and it's okay. What I've learned during my weight loss journey is that I need to have a good relationship with food. I try to avoid feelings of guilt and I never punish myself for eating something I like.

The key to weight loss is eating healthy. That means making wise and conscious decisions about food. It doesn't have to be complicated.


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