Ice Cream and Donuts

Even as a stay-at-home mom I find myself always needing more time. There's so many things to do and it seems like the day isn't long enough to get everything done. There's no end to cleaning up, cooking, washing the dishes, or doing the laundry. The list of chores goes on forever. Rei sometimes have to tug on my shirt or hug my legs just to get my attention as I busily prepare food or fold our clothes.

I know when she's bored and needs my attention, so I try my best to get away from all the chores and spend time with her - and sometimes, walk to the nearby store to get some ice cream. Being with her is, after all, the reason why I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom.

So even though the floor desperately needs to be mopped, I put some clean clothes on and we go "out out."

As we walk along our busy street, my daughter never fails to point out all the stray and domesticated animals we see.

"Hi doggy!" She would loudly exclaim as she happily waves to the dog lying on the ground. I'd smile to the owner and he'd smile back as Rei continues to skip in an unhurried pace.

Some days it's "Mama, chickens!" or "I see kitty Cat!" On other days, you'll hear her squeel "Eeew poop yan!" or something equally funny as we carefully walk away from the dog litter on the road. She sees everything and she makes sure you see it too. The world is definitely more interesting as I see it through her eyes.

"What kind of ice cream do you want?" I ask her even though I know she'll get the same one we always buy.

"Vi-lla" she answers as she smiles from ear to ear.

The little ice cream cups are her favorite, not the ones on the cone. Although she'd try new things from time to time, the Php13 vanilla ice cream cup is always her #1 choice. I haven't quite figured out why.

I sometimes get something for myself, but most of the time I'm quite content sitting next to her and watching her carefully spoon out little bites from her cup.

She looks so confident maneuvering the tiny wooden spoon as she takes a spoonful of melting ice cream. "So big," she says mischievously waiting for my approving nod. She really loves ice cream.

She continues to eat while we watch people pass by. It's been really hot lately and quite a number of people would pass by the store to get their own summer treat. Rei would get really excited when she sees a group of elementary kids. She'd look at me and say "friends" even though she's never seen them before. To her, all kids are friends.

Our visits to the ice cream store are really brief. After she's done with her cup, she says goodbye to the attendant and starts walking home. She's had her ice cream fix and she's happy.

When it's not ice cream, it's donuts. Or sometimes both. Whatever she feels at the moment, that's what we get.

I sometimes wonder if I'm spoiling my child too much. I guess I am, but whenever I see her laugh and giggle as we share a unicorn sundae or pick out sprinkles on top of a super sweet donut, I can't help but feel that I've done something good as a mom. In that very moment, there's just the two of us.

Keeping a tidy home and making sure there's food on the table are part of my responsibilities as a stay-at-home mom. Chores often take a lot of my time. But, I have come to realize that my first and most important responsibility as a stay-at-home mom is being a MOM.

That means making myself available when my daughter wants to go "out out" to get some ice cream... or maybe even a donut.


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