5 Questions to My Future Husband

Elder Dallin H. Oaks said, "If you want to marry well, inquire well." So, here's 5 of many questions I would like to ask my future husband.

1. What took you so long?

And by that I mean, "Where have you been all this time?" Hahaha! You should know that when I finally meet you, it's going to be a BIG family event. Being the youngest unmarried child in the family, you can just imagine how many times the subject of marriage comes up in dinner conversations. The pressure is ON!

Being 26 and single can be lonely at times especially when you see your friends posting their engagement and wedding pictures on Facebook. However, I learned that being single does not have to mean being lonely. I've learned so many things being on my own. I've traveled, met new people, gained experiences, and learned to be a better person. I think that those experiences have taught and prepared me to be a better wife.

So, I forgive you for taking a long time because I know you've been busy learning things on your own as well.

2. "Do you want to build a snowman?"

If not, we can make halo-halo instead. Hehehe! Since we probably won't live in a cold country (I don't like winter), we can make a sandman at the beach or just pig out at home. It doesn't matter what we'll do as long as we do fun things together.

I hope you're like my father whose motto is "sabay tayo" (always together). I will always remember my father convincing my mom to sit down and watch a movie together. Although she would agree, she'd be doing other things like sew or do her nails. It wouldn't bother my dad as long they're in the same room together. They are so fun to watch. After the movie, my mom would be like, "so what happened?" Hahaha!

3. How much are you willing to pay?

Knowing your spending habits is just as important as knowing your character. I learned from one of my classes that money is one of the common causes of marital disputes. When unresolved, these seemingly "small" issues can lead to divorce. That's definitely something I cannot afford.

I hope you understand that even though women in general want to be spoiled, I would prefer someone who is practical than broke. My parents often tell me that I'm too thrifty for my own good, but I'd like to see it as a positive thing. I learned to always spend less than you earn. If you have a problem with that, consult my accountant sister.

4. Manila or Cebu Temple?

As a Mormon girl, there's no other place I'd want to get married in but the Temple. My faith is my life and I hope that you feel the same way. As they say, you cannot start a good marriage without God in it. So, I hope that you and I will both be ready to make those sacred covenants in the house of the Lord.
"We should realize that a good marriage does not require a perfect man or a perfect woman. It only requires a man and a woman committed to strive together toward perfection." - Elder Dallin H. Oaks
NOTE: I dream of being married in the Cebu Temple, so #4 is really kind of a trick question. :)

5.  Unsa bitaw? (You're saying?)

I believe that good communication is important in any relationship. Sharing one's thoughts/feelings honestly and listening without judgment is necessary. If you don't want to hear the answer, then don't ask.

I believe in marriage and I hope to be married someday. On the other hand, if I never marry... I'll make sure I'll make another post about being single and happy. Hahaha! Besides, happiness has nothing to do with one's marital status.


  1. nag enjoy pud ko basa oi! post nako ni sa ako wall hap, para matabangan ka pangita niya. :-D hopefully magkita na mo :-D


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