7 Things I'll Always Remember About Thailand

Time's up! In less than 12 hours, I'm Leaving Thailand, and Will BE moving on to my next Adventure. As I ponder on the experiences I've had in the Past year, There Are 7 Things That Will Always Remind me about the Land of Smiles.

1. Isaan Food

Thai food in general IS amazing. However, I would say That Nothing CAN compare to the Taste of Isaan food. Living in Ubon Ratchathani, I Have grown to love Tam Thai Which IS Considered  the Staple food in Northeastern part of Thailand.  It's Like Somtam (papaya Salad), but Without the stinky Fish in it. It IS eaten with  sticky rice and meat on the Side. 

2. Buddhist Temples

WHEN I first arrived in Thailand, I would so Get excited WHEN I See Buddhist Temples.  Now That I Have lived here for a year, I Do not notice Them anymore. There Are so many That You'll probably See One or two WITHIN a Mile radius. My favorite Temple to go to is the One close to the River. They Have a Feeding area where you CAN feed the Fish and the birds. Although I do not go There for Worship, I enjoy the Serenity of the place. Buddhist Temples Are an Important part of the Cultural experience in Thailand.

3. Wai

Thai people are very polite. This is evident in their daily interactions with each other. After my arrival, I had to learn the WAI when greeting people. Even Ronald McDonald had to learn it. Ha ha ha! It was hard and I had some really awkward experiences during my first few weeks. I lived in Hawaii before coming to Thailand so I was accustomed to hugging people as a greeting. Thai people definitely do not hug and I had to refrain myself from doing that. I would sometimes make a mistake of extending my hand for a handshake and it would end up being an awkward handshake / wai greeting.

4. Seven-Eleven

I am not kidding when I say that Thailand probably has the most franchise of 7-Eleven stores in the world. Just on the street I live in, there are two stores half a mile apart. On my way to church, I would pass by three 7-Eleven stores within 50 meters from each other. I often wonder how people decided which one to go to. 

5. Motorcycle Rides

Riding behind a motorcycle has become second nature since arriving in Thailand. Although it is quite dangerous, it is the fastest and most convenient way to go around the city. Besides, why should I pay for an expensive taxi when I can ride with my friends for free?

6. The Night Markets

Given my limited income, I rarely buy anything lavish. I've learned to hunt for the cheapest deals in town. That's why night markets have become a regular activity for me and my friends. Regardless of where you are in Thailand, there are night markets everywhere. Size varies in different cities, but they always cater to your basic needs. Even when we don't intend on buying anything, my friends and I go to night markets to have a good time. I consider it as our low- impact cardio workout.

7. Friends

After all is said and done, it's the friends that I've made that I will always remember. They've made my stay in Thailand meaningful. It's something I'll cherish forever.
"So long as the memory of beloved Certain Friends Lives in my Heart, I SHALL say That Life IS good."  Helen Keller


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